First off I hate EKU, it's as if the place is run by people who never even made it through high school. It takes so long to get a response from someone and even then it's not a straight answer and you're left guessing. I am of course referring to my loans I applied for in order to stay over the entire year here in Japan. Everything is supposed to be worked out already and I should be receiving my funds fairly soon via mail. However, I looked over my account and it says I will owe nearly $400 dollars even after my scholarship pays for my school. The only differnce between this semester and last is that I applied for loans. I somehow doubt I'd be charged for loans so there's not telling what this magical charge is. So I'll ge calling them tonight, wasting even more Skype minutes on calling their stupid asses. I've also been informed from my USA chap (Pat) that when he applied for loans that he had to chose either for his loans to be disburst through his bank account or the new debt enhancement card through EKU. I refer to a new scam the school started this past semester in which the school give you your school ID, but guess's a credit card too. How craptastic is that? I think they want kids to owe them for about two lifetimes now, and that's totally helping our economy.
Since I'm on a roll here I'll take a little time to gripe about the economy. Since being in Japan the US dollar has dropped in value almost 20%. I now lose 10 dollars for every 100 dollars I take out. Which in turn there is no tax here so in actuality I guess things could be worse, but to be safe as soon as I get the loan money I'm going to try and take a big chunk out in order to avoid possibly losing more as the US dollar makes a .5% drop nearly every week, or sometimes more than that. But I'm sure Obama will help make everything right! Doesn't matter whose ass got elected they've got a shitstorm to attempt to clean up. I don't however believe feeding stimulus packs into our economy will help anything other than get rid of SSI and any kind of retirement I could possible hope for in the late future. Of course I think one thing that just might help America is if they learn to stay the fuck out of other countries' business. No one treats me with spite or disrespect here but they all say the same reason why they dislike America if at all, because we can't keep out hands out of other peoples shit. If you think the Iraqi war is about freedom you need to wise the fuck up.
Ah, well I think I've griped enough about the world for today. I'm venting after having an extremely crappy day. Having a day long test every 8-10 days is kicking my ass. It's like having someone take a corkscrew to your head, pop your cranium out, and take a funnel and pour in mass amounts of language. Needless to say I've managed to kill a bottle of excedrin in less than two months, getting at least two migraines a week on average now. I ended up making 47/50 on my listening, 10/10 on my kanji, and for my writing I've yet to get back the score but I'm fairly sure that I made lower than I usually do seeing as I didn't study too much the night before. However, having so many A's so far a low B or high C isn't going to hurt me, and if I really wanna be a douche bag I can look at this in such a way that grades don't really matter, because I've already graduated! However, I do want to learn this language, I know that becoming fluent in a year will be difficult but I'm sure to pick up quite a bit of the language. I can easily get around with the vocabulary I have now. I continue to surprise people that I know so many words and kanji after reading so much manga and watching so much anime (I've cut down on it in recent years though).
I'm more than likely going to Disney Sea next week (no it's not like Sea World ppl). It's more for adults unlike Tokyo Disneyland. Other than that I don't really have a lot planned for my Xmas break. I was going to go to Osaka right after New Year's but the round trip ticket is 150 bucks, plus the cost of hotel and such I'd end up spending around 250 at the least. That would only be for one night so I don't think it's really worth it. Of course the other reason being I don't have my loan money yet so I can't really make plans like that. At the very least I'm thinkin about heading over to Tokyo by myself to kind of wander the city and probably hang out in Akihabara (electric central/nerd central).
A few of us are making plans to try and go to Nagano during a short break we will get during mid January. I'm really looking forward to it seeing as I've never tried to snow ski before. I can waterski but I'm quite sure it's very different. Nagano is actually very close to here, but for some reason we don't get much snow. I need to snap a pic of a view I get every morning, I get to see the snowcapped Southern Japanese Alps if I look to the west on a clear day.
Nothing really mindblowing has happened to me of late unfortunately. Hopefully, once I get passed all this shitty buearacracy I can have some cash and relax for a little while anyway. Well hope everyone enjoyed this blog completely void of anykind of pics. Wait....I'll add some, but let's just hope she never sees these or she'll kill me. This is my Taiwanese friend Ho-san whom I'll be going to Disney Sea with, she'd definitely kill me if she knew I threw this up on the internet :|
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