Well today we had an opening ceremony for classes and they're supposed to start tomorrow but the teacher said my hiragana is good enough that I won't have to attend til Friday. We all dressed up and went down to the International Office about 1 PM. I was hoping to be fed and my stomach could be heard growling through the whole event. Unfortunately, there was no food being served and it was more or less a get together to introduce ourselves as well as getting to know our teachers.
That part only lasted about thirty or forty minutes and then we separated into our respective classes and spoke with one of our teachers (I have 4 total). Our teacher that handled our group is called Esaki-sensei and for the last few years he's been called GTE (Great Teacher Esaki). This refers to a famous drama in Japan that came on quite a few years ago about a man who wants to teach but his past of being in a biker gang looms over him but does everything he can to show that he's a good teacher; the show was called GTO [Great Teacher Onizuka]. After he showed us our books (which are going to cost me twice what a certain someone told me they were going to originally cost) we grouped up to go on a guided tour. When the tour was finished Ono-san met us again and handed out our student IDs!
Before going on the tour Ono-san (a very nice lady that handles all my paperwork here) told me the courthouse called and my gaijin card was ready! After that we took an hour to look around campus and were shown the computer rooms we could use, copiers, printers, the cafeteria, where I pay my rent, and lastly the doctor's office on campus. By that time it was almost four in the afternoon and the court house closes at five. I grabbed Steve (although it ended up I knew where to go and what to ask for myself :D) and we headed down to the courthouse and grabbed my gaijin card.
From top to bottom that's my card to gain access to the dorm, my gaijin card, and lastly my student ID:
After we grabbed that we finally decided to try something I haven't had before. THE MEGGGGGA MAC! It's a freaking huge burger at McDonald's their version of a Big Mac. Three pieces of bread and four meat patties. Of course it comes with other things but if you know me I like my burgers plain. Which they are fine with making but most people don't ask to take something off a burger, but hey I'm paying for it so I'll get it the way I want it! Needless to say it was tasty considering most of the foods I eat aren't that greasy these days.
We then headed down to the arcade where I got my ass kicked by someone playing Street Fighter 4 and then played a game that caught my eye where you use turntables to play along with the music. It was surprisingly fun but hard. I got out of there spending no more than three dollars, and unlike US arcades that money goes a long way for a decent amount of playtime. Before we knew it it was dark (before 6 PM). We headed back to the dorm and not soon after Jeremy asked us to go to the onsen so we tagged along. The water wasn't very clean this time in the outside onsen and the water seemed to be slightly colder but still relaxing none the less. Of course it could be the times I've gone before I've been completely worn out and dehydrated but I won it over this time!
So now I'm back in the dorm writing this blog and I'm probably going to finally get off my arse and cook some real food for the first time. I'm thinking toriniku (bird meat/chicken) and gohan....
PS My goatee and 'stache have already been complemented on. Maybe it's because I'm older it doesn't look as stupid when I tried this a couple of years ago......
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