We then walked over to campus (less than three blocks from the dorm) and I got to meet my tutor Gan-san who is a girl a few years younger than me. She didn't speak much English but I understood some of her Japanese and what I didn't Steve was there to translate. We didn't get to finish our goals of the day because the weather was bad and she did not have a vehicle. I still have to get my gaijin card at the courthouse, get my hanko (stamp/seal they use in place of signatures), get a bike, and look into getting a cell phone. We decided to meet on Monday to take care of all these things. So we left my tutor and hoofed it back to the dorm where we sat around Steve's room and debated ordering more pizza, which of course we ended up doing. I'm not going to lie, it's expensive but I don't eat it all at once and this time I spent extra to get a large by myself and I calculate it will last me a total of three meals. I will probably run out and get a bike tomorrow and grab a few groceries so I won't rely on ordering expensive ass pizza all the time.
Shortly after ordering the pizza the landlady (Yamamoto-san) knocked on Steve's door to tell me she finished cleaning. I quickly moved my bags in and am still unpacking into what little of a dresser I have. I live in a corner room, meaning as far as sound is concerned I need to worry about whomever is above me and then Steve who is right next door. Patrick is also on this floor just three doors down. Oddly enough the person in between Steve and Pat is nicknamed "Naked Lee".
I have to say that being here is quite intimidating as the people here are genius level and above. According to my IQ I'm at the lower end of that genius spectrum. According to one of the RA's in the dorm we are getting students from Germany, the UK, France, Cambodia, and Egypt. Currently on this floor we have a Chinese dood (Naked Lee) and a few Malaysians (which Steve refers to as the Malazys seeing as they don't keep our kitchen very clean). Getting moved in and getting my keys to my mailbox, room, and kitchen locker was quite liberating as I've not had any sort of personal space for nearly a week. As good of friends as Steve and me might be we agreed that getting out of each others' space was a good thing. So now the reality sets in that I have to bust my ass from here on out with my Japanese language. My listening skills are great, my speaking is crappy, and my writing is horrible. I have one week to study for my placement exam and while I'll probably end up in the advanced class (advanced here meaning intensive catch up) I don't want to look like a complete fool...
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